Split/Join File

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This utility splits the files in various parts.


From the window you can choose the size of each part and the target folder. Also is possible to compress the file in order to create  minus number of parts. To compress the file check the Compress check box.

If you wish to know how many parts will be created, you can click in the button with the following icon: CalcularDividir. Note if you check the Compress option, is need compress the file previously to calculate the number of parts, and this can take several time, depending of the file size.

The first part of the file will be created with .prt extension, and the other parts will have the following extensions: ..p01, .p02, .p03, etc, depending of number of parts. The file name of the parts will be the same that the file name of the original file.

In order to build the original file again, select the file with .prt extension from the Windows Explorer and from the context menu, execute the Join Parts command.